I spent Tuesday at Seven Oaks Elementary with music teacher Mrs. Hathaway. She is an amazing teacher that brings so much fun and energy to her music classes. The kids just love her and she loves them, it's evident in the time and effort she puts into teaching them. I was able to get to talk with the classes about the importance of music education and the opportunities that are available to them throughout their school years. We also discussed what kind of jobs they could have some day that were involved with music.
Mrs. Thompsons 6th grade class was working with the Marimbas. I got to join in and played the big bass Marimba.
Mr. Boginskis 3rd grade class was full of questions and we had great discussions about music education.
Mrs. Andersons Kindergarten Class was in the gym working on motor skills while listening to music. Coins were tossed out on the gym floor and they had to use their hands and feet to slide them over to their spot. The goal was to get 20 coins. I got to help them with their counting skills once thy collected all their coins. They were so cute!
I got to watch a play performed by a speical reading group that Mrs. Hathaway leads during an empty class spot. What fun they get to have while learning. Mrs. Hathaway had an oscar winning performance as wags the dog!
Mr. Koch's 4th grade class was very talkative too with lots of questions and interesting ideas.
In Mrs. Giebelhaus's 2nd grade class we did a music education talk to start out class but they also got to practice their songs for an upcoming performance in which they represent the dogs!
In Mrs. Edwards class we also talked about music education, then they got right to work on their songs for the same performance as the 2nd graders, but this group will be the monkeys!!
Lastly Mr. Kerry's 5th grade class finished off the day. We spent the whole time discussing music education and then they got a few questions answered about what I do in the Mrs. Washington Pageant.
I of course was exhausted at the end of the day! Teachers are amazing and super heroes in my book! I will be visiting Southbay School later this week my alma matter!!
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