I just found out that I will be featured in an infomercial for a workout program called Chalean Extreme! I was videotaped exercising and being interviewed. My before and after photos will be shown as well, my before is not so pretty! When I took the before photo it was early in the morning I don't think I even combed my hair and I have no makeup on! I took the photo for my own reference never expecting it to be seen nationally!! But the good thing is I have an after photo! Before I started doing the pageants I had really gotten out of shape and gained weight. I have always struggled with my weight ever since I was a child. Gaining and loosing weight is not healthy for you. I really wanted to get off that diet rollercoaster. I started working out using weights and got back into running again. It took a lot of work and discipline but it certainly paid off.
Chalean extreme is an awesome weight training video it's like having a personal trainer. I highly recommend it and everything I say in the commercial is totally true! It is a complete program that you do over a 3 month period. There are several sets of videos so you never get bored. The music and instruction is great and it gives you options for higher or lower intensity. Chalean is a great motivator. One of my favorite tips from even as simple as it seems, is to get up in the morning and put your workout clothes on. That way your ready to go and you are less likely to get settled in and not do your work out!!
Don't ever give up on yourself, if you desire to loose weight and get in shape then why wait make it happen. Set a goal for youself a special date, an event or a competition. Something that helps inspire you to reach your goal. I never thought I'd walk on stage in a bathing suit and heels in front of people! When I did it was so rewarding knowing how hard I worked to achieve my goals. I wished I could go back in time and tell that chubby girl, overweight mom that I used to be that she would someday not be that way. I will always need to make an effort to stay in shape and not gain weight, but someday I hope it comes more naturally to me. I still really haven't quite reached my goal yet of loosing more body fat but I am on my way!
If you want to try Chalean Extreme or learn more about great exercise programs you can visit my coaches website here: Melissa Wood Beach Body Coach
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