Saturday June 26th I joined Mrs. Seattle & Mrs. Washington in the Seattle Brain Cancer Walk. We were part of team CEF, our team came in 2nd place for most funds raised!! The entire walk raised over $400,000!! It was a big event with more people than ever this year.
Many of us walked in honor of someone who has brain cancer or has died from it. Their names were written on special signs and then we pinned them onto our shirts. My son Jordan came too and we were walking in honor of my Aunt Penny who is currently fighting brain cancer.
There were several patients their who had brain cancer and they joined in as well. We met a man named Randy who has brain cancer and was being pushed by his family in a wheel chair. Despite what he is going through he had a smile on his face and hope for a cure. We were honored to have our picture taken with him.
The tent of honor had letters and photos of people affected by this disease and it was very moving to read about their experience and their lives. All ages are affected by this serious disease.
Upcoming events for the CEF are a golf tournament, gala and auction. I will post more information about that as the dates and details are final.