May 22nd I taught a soldering Class at the Redmond Ben Franklin Store. The proceeds for the class fee's are being donated by my company to the MENC and Moses Lake Food Bank. We had a sold out class! My usual helpers could not come so I sent an SOS out to my pageant sisters. Tamara DePorter, Mrs.Seattle answered the call! She was amazing!! She helped me set up, helped the students and actually had time to solder something herself. Since it was standing room only, that's how she soldered, standing up!
The class was so much fun as they always are at this store. Kim and Ria two fabulous managers at the store actually came to take the class too. Most of the students were beginners and made necklaces but we had 4 advanced students including Kim and Ria who made soldered Tiaras. They turned out fabulous. I wish I would have thought to have made sashes for them to wear with them.
The rest of the students did an amazing job as well. They all were very handy with their soldering irons. I truly enjoy being able to teach and share my passion for creating art. I usually have time to talk and get to know all of them personally but since I had no soldering helpers I just quickly ran from table to table helping them with whatever they needed. We still got to chat and laugh as we always do.